“Social Networking for the K-12 Set” by Jim Klein
Klein makes the argument that technology, when used properly, can bridge social and geographic boundaries that sometimes negatively affect the teaching and learning experience. He also points out that the use of technology does not have to be expensive, overwhelming or dangerous. In the development of the “learning landscapes” that Klein refers to throughout his article, the cost consisted only of the hourly wage of three district employees.
How does a learning environment such as the one Klein talks about enhance student learning?
Primarily, this kind of forum gives students much more exposure to the ideas of other students (teachers and parents as well). The fact that students, teachers and parents are able to interact with one another when their schedule permits from any location increases the opportunity for productive interaction and learning. Also many students are not comfortable interacting in person. For these kids, an online learning environment provides a safe forum for voicing opinions and sharing ideas.
Is it reasonably possible to control this type of learning environment, ensuring it is a manageable and safe space for learning?
Klein addresses these issues very well. I think that as long as there is capable guardianship, the benefit for this type of learning environment outweighs the risk of improper or inappropriate interaction between students and outsiders. If the teachers (primarily) oversee student communication(s), negative incidents between students should not be an issue. Also, if administration blocks public access and limits the amount of students granted access to each learning forum, it should not become too busy or convoluted to be beneficial.
I think helping students become "good citizens" in these virtual societies is imperative for educational use of social networking.